
Thursday, January 26, 2017

Cross Fit Day 2

Day 1 was on Monday.  I was really sore on Tuesday and suffered through Tennis Tuesday night.  I even did ice baths Monday and Tuesday night.  I will comment more on those once I have more to say.
Today's class was good.  We worked on Split Jerk w/2 sec pause at dip and catch.  The coach worked with me with just using the bar and the guy next to me gave me some tips too.  I had never done those before and was curious how my knee would handle them.  I did add 20 lbs and it all felt pretty good.  I just need to remember to lock out my arms and get them inline with my body for heavier weights.

Our Metcon was an AMRAP - As many reps as possible.
10 Power Snatchs
12 Toes to Bar
8 Overhead lunges.

I was only using the bar today and the power snatches was pretty easy but it was weird to not have a natural stopping point because there was no weights to rest on the ground.

Toes to Bar was tough.  I broken them down into sets of 4 and my hands really hurt.

Lunges was not bad and even at the end the coach reviewed me and said my form was fine.

So far so good.  Two days in.  For full disclosure, I can barely get up and down.  My back and legs are good sore.

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