
Friday, February 24, 2017

CrossFit Open 17.1 - Just Killer

After 5 weeks of CF, it was time to for the Cross Fit Open.  There is no way I can do RX but I feel like I could do the scaled workouts from last year.  My plan is to just follow the scaled workouts and survive but give it my all.  I already made a mistake and played tennis Wednesday night.  My knees were sore.

I forget to the check the workout on Thursday night and just checked when I hit the gym parking lot.

The snatches at 35 is not easy.  Lots of respect to the ladies doing 35lbs.   50 lbs would be borderline unsafe at that many reps.  Burpees over the box with step a step up, is even going to hurt.  2 feet jump is amazing.

I got through 3 rounds pretty fast but once you finish that, you know the worst is to come.  I got through 40 at 13:28.  50 more snatches and 15 burpees to go.  At this point, I think I can finish but my lungs are burning and I might even be a little dizzy.  I try to really focus on using my legs to pull the 35lbs up and using my legs to set it down.  I did 10, break, 10 break, 15 break, 15 break.  I was at 17:30 ish.    15 Burpees to go.  I started off with a slow pace and the last 5 just went as fast as I could.  19:08.
Legs shaking, back fried, dizzy and coughing.  2 hours later, I can still feel my lungs burning.  I really wish I had my fitbit working to see my heart rate but stupid thing stops working last week and Fitbit is back ordered until March.

Cold baths and hot showers and recover.  Haru!!!

CrossFit Games Open 17.1 (Time)
For time:
10 snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
20 snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
30 snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
40 snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
50 snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs

M: 50-lb. dumbbell / 24-in. box
F: 35-lb. dumbbell / 20-in. box

Time cap: 20 minutes
Teenagers 14-15:
Boys use 35-lb. dumbbell and 24-in. box
Girls use 20-lb. dumbbell and 20-in. box

Masters 55+:
Men use 35-lb. dumbbell and 24-in. box, step-ups OK
Women use 20-lb. dumbbell and 20-in. box, step-ups OK

Scaled: (Ages 16-54)
Men use 35-lb. dumbbell and 20-in. box, step-ups OK
Women use 20-lb. dumbbell and 20-in. box, step-ups OK

Scaled Teenagers 14-15:
Boys use 20-lb. dumbbell and 24-in. box, step-ups OK
Girls use 10-lb. dumbbell and 20-in. box, step-ups OK

Scaled Masters 55+:
Men use 20-lb. dumbbell and 20-in. box, step-ups OK
Women use 10-lb. dumbbell and 20-in. box, step-ups OK

Monday, February 20, 2017

Ice Baths for Recovery

Sometimes you learn things in life that you feel would have made things better, if you had know them when you were younger.  Ice Baths or Contrast Baths are one thing I wish I had known while I was playing tennis tournaments.  Many times I would play 2 matches a day and could not walk after the first match.  I got older and one match a day hurt really bad.  I really do believe if I had done Ice Baths after those matches, I would have felt better and recovered better for the next match.  I know of one tournament specifically, I could have one if I had been able to recover even a little after.

Everyone is going to cry and complain about how cold the water is or how bad it stings.  That is because they really have not tried it.  Tough Mudders and the Tough Guy courses have lots of cold water.  Some Spartans send you through the cold too.  To not hate these races, you have to get used to cold water.  At some point, you need to look forward to it.

I only recommend doing a cold bath if it is soon after a workout and not after 7 pm, unless you have no choice due to a long day.  You can research the science yourself but it works.  All you need is about 10 minutes too.  Warm up your bath room with heat.  Run a cold water only bath.  Once it is half full, turn off the water.  Turn on your shower to hot.  Just a little hotter then normal.  Then, slowly put your self in the cold tub while breathing deep.  You will get chills but only when you breath uncontrolled or move around a lot in the water.  Just sit there still.  There is no reason to move around.  If needed, you can add ice to the water.  You should take the easy way and add the ice after you are in the tub.

Stay in for 1 to 2 minutes.  Then, get out carefully and into the shower for 2 x the number of minutes you were in the cold tub.  Then, get back in the cold tub for 1 to 2 minutes.  Then, back in the shower for a full normal hot shower.  2 rounds of this is good.  Three is great.  After that I don't think you benefit much.

You can also try a 10 minute cold bath and then, hot shower.  I did not find this as effective as the contrast bath / showers.

I also recommend watching a show on your phone or ipad while in the bath.  It will help you forget you are in 50 degree water.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

CrossFit update - Week 4

When I started, I planned to do three days a week.  I did not know enough to have expectations on any physical goals.  The first week I was really sore and was asking myself why I would want to get up at 5 AM and do this.  Then, I finished up week 2 and things started to feel better.  I also added more stretching and foam rolling.  I try to spend 10 minutes every night with my foam roller.
At the end of week 3, I started to feel more comfortable with the lifts and even some strength increases.

The OPEN.  I started hearing people talk about this.  I looked into it and there is no way I can do some of the events.  I mean literally, I can't do overhead lunges with 135lbs for 25 feet.  Muscle ups, what ever, pull-ups are hard enough.  I am not even sure I ever want to be able to do some of this.  I kept digging and there is a scaled version of all WODs.  Instead of overhead lunges, you do 95lbs for 25 feet with front rack hold.  I can do that.  Knee lifts instead of Muscle Ups.  I can do that too.  This will be a good way to compare results with the world.  Then, try to do better next year.

Our Box gets together every Friday and does the WOD together.  I can't make the first night but yes, I signed up to give it a shot.  I think it will be cool and exciting.

Then, of course, I am hooked.  Changed my membership to unlimited and planning on going at least every weekday.  Use Saturday and Sunday for recovery, Tennis or running.

This is my CrossFit progression opinion.  I am not coach but I did go to a box this morning.  :)

1. Show up
2. Realize everyone started with just a bar or even pipe and take it slow.
3. Understand the right form. Even some veterans need reminders.
4. Add a little weight so it gets tougher, and learn better form.
5. Get comfortable doing physical activities with a high heart rate or high cardio level, with good form.  Your mind tells your body you should not do Thrusters after doing Burpees over Box for 4 rounds.  You want to just sit down.  Sometimes one rep at a time is enough.  Every rep counts.
6.  Start focusing on improving in areas that you are weak.  My biggest weakness is flexibility.  My squat needs to be lower and my right elbow does not bend well on the front rack position, but it is better.  It is no coincidence that I had knee surgery in the past and injured my elbow last fall.

Good Article for those interested in learning more.

17 Bits of Advice for CrossFit Beginners - Don't put if off any longer and don't be scared! Get started today.