
Monday, February 10, 2020

2019 Year end review

2019 was a fun year but went by fast.  2019 was about figuring out what to do next with Cross Fit.  Our gym went through some major coaching and leadership changes which drove a lot of people away.  This was sad because our 5:30 class was pretty close.   This included me deciding to change to another local gym.  This change opened an exciting door of coaching classes.  I really enjoy working with others and helping them on their journey.  It keeps me accountable and keeps me learning. 

My 2020 Open was an improvement from 2019.  I moved up a couple percentages from the previous year.  With that said, it took a lot out of me because I got a cold the week after, plus took my flue shot and really struggled for a few weeks.  I really liked the workouts this year and even some of the customizations decisions you could do in the workouts. 

2020 will be about optimizing my time, recovery and skill improvement.  MU are still a problem.  HSPU are a problem and DU are a problem. 

I am also coming into 2020 about 15 pounds heavier. Some of it was lifting more in Nov and Dec and some from slacking off.  I hope to find some ways to optimize my nutrition in 2020.

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